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Being Smart When Applying for a Business Loan

applying for a business loan, business loan

Applying for a business loan is an extremely delicate process for any small business owner. In the right situation, a business loan can catapult your business into sustained success. Unfortunately, in the wrong situation, it can cause significant harm to you, your employees, and your customers. 

Furthermore, making small-time errors and mistakes throughout the business loan process can cause disruptions and much more frustration. Knowing when and how to apply for a business loan will give you the peace of mind from start to finish. 

When Is It Time for a Business Loan?

If you’re planning on applying for a business loan any time soon, you’ll want to make sure the circumstances call for such measures. While a business loan will give you the funds you need to move forward with your plans, it will be putting your company in debt — hopefully just temporarily. 

Ideally, a business loan for small business owners should only be utilized in favorable situations. For example, many business owners will take out a business loan if they’re ready to expand their company. 

Since expansion typically means business is booming, there won’t be as much risk involved when taking out a business loan. This can be in the form of finding a larger space, opening a second space, hiring new talent, growing your inventory, or investing in better equipment. 

In addition to that, a business loan can come in handy when trying to build credit. If you’re planning on expansion in the next few years, having a good business line of credit will make the process easier for you — especially for large financing. 

Outside of expansion and building credit, the other major reason you might consider a business loan is when an opportunity clearly outweighs the debt. 

Let’s say you just signed a contract with a company that’s worth $50,000, but you don’t have the necessary equipment and workforce to get the job done. If adding the required pieces will only cost you $5,000, taking out a business loan will still present a profit after interest.

Tips When Applying for a Business Loan

When applying for a business loan, staying prepared, organized, and well-informed will put you in the best position for success. Any errors in the process can cause great distress for your business, but diligence will help you stay on track. 

Before applying, ensure you have the necessary documents ready, including your financial statements and tax records. These documents, along with having good business credit, will help speed up the process of receiving a business loan. 

There will also be different types of business loans available and every bank will be unique, so doing the proper research beforehand will ease the process. 

Of course, no advice will produce greater results than seeking professional help throughout the application process. If you think your business could benefit from a business loan, contact my office today and we can figure out the best plan for your business moving forward. 


Hecht, Jared. “6 Smart Reasons to Get a Business Loan.” Entrepreneur, 9 Nov. 2015, www.entrepreneur.com/article/250973.

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